Mamas & Traumas

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How I Started Loving Myself Again

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Imagine your self-care routine doing more for you than just providing a temporary escape from the pressures of everyday life. What if it held the answers to profound and lasting transformation? What if you had the courage to venture past the same old run of the mill self-care – beyond the bubble baths and face masks – and uncovered an untapped love for yourself that lives deep inside of you? What if you were to dig deep and find your most truest self and to create a loving, sustainable change in your life? What if you discovered self-care that transformed your mental and emotional well-being, your relationships, and maybe even your career?

To truly grasp the power of self-care, it's essential to go beyond the surface-level practices often associated with it. While I LOVE bubble baths and face masks, and they certainly have their place, they only scratch the surface of what self-care can truly be. I want to explore with you the deeper meaning and potential behind self-care, and how I used it to calm my debilitating anxiety, and climb out of the deep trenches of depression.

Self-care is about more than just temporary relief or indulgence; it is the most important tool for nurturing your mental and emotional well-being. By taking the time to care for your inside self, you create the foundation for true transformation. This kind of self-care allows you to address the underlying challenges, rather than simply suppressing them or pushing them aside. It empowers you to create self-awareness, develop healthy coping mechanisms, find your voice to put boundaries in place, and find true love for yourself again.

After years of struggling with anxiety and depression, I came to the realization that traditional self-care was only touching the surface. It was making my outsides nice and relaxed, but it wasn’t touching any of the deeper problems I was in a daily fight with. When I started exploring methods of self-care to nurture my inside self, instead of only my outside self, it opened up a world of possibilities. By starting to understand and honor my own needs, I became equipped to build and maintain healthier relationships both with myself and others.

Through self-care, I learned to set boundaries, I learned what I really wanted in my life, and I learned strategies to get myself back on track when I really didn’t want to go on in this life anymore. Additionally, by taking care of myself on this deeper level, I became more self-sufficient. And I don’t mean that in a Beyonce independent woman kind of way. What I mean, is that by doing the inside work, I discovered ways to create happiness for myself, by myself, and found my own self worth.

After doing these “out of the box” self-care practices for quite a few years, I decided it was time to get them out into the world to share with you. Sharing, with full transparency, some of my deepest struggles, with hopes that you may find a glimmer of hope for yourself, and maybe just a smidge of an increase in your self worth.

Writing Self-care Beyond Bubble Baths - Out of the box ideas to calm your mind and increase your self worth, was my passion project. A sacred little gift, wrapped in love, from me, to you. In it you will find 20, easy practices you can do (almost) anywhere, at (almost) any time of the day. Practices that will jump start your journey to having love for yourself again.

Click on this link to get a copy for yourself! You deserve every bit of love you can give yourself. And while you're at it, grab a copy for a friend too. Once you start reading and practicing these easy exercises, you're going to start thinking of others that could benefit from this kind of self-care too. Spread the self love and healing!

Click HERE to grab your copy!

Thank you for being on this journey of finding love for yourself with me. Living life is hard, and I’m right here in the trenches with you. Each other is all we have. Oh, and Lexapro. We have Lexapro too.

You are love, so very much!

Love, Haley

(And don’t forget to grab one for friend too! )

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