I am a newly middle aged, single Mom of three, with a decent amount of trauma from the first half of my life. I have an addiction to coffee, candy, lash extensions, and over-using emojis. I love yoga, cooking, gardening, reading non-fiction, and sending people long rambling messages (that I think are hilarious) after a glass and a half of Cab.

In this blog, you will find All. My. Tea. and what I have learned from it. To say I’m thrilled for the first half of my life to be over, is an understatement. My inspiration for the next 40 years is, ME. I just want to be me. I want one, whole, and healed Haley. I think that’s what most of us really want, right? Being able to be fully and genuinely us. It’s hard out in the world not to be one kind of person in one setting, and another kind of person in another setting. But I, and probably you too, don’t want to be exhausted by that anymore. I just want to show up as me.

I 100% believe in healing thru the power of storytelling and being vulnerable enough to share our inside stuff with each other. Can I share my inside stuff with you? Will you share your inside stuff with me? Can we create a space here where we just get to be us?

And don’t worry if you’re not a mom. Its just a name and not a requirement to be with us on this page. While I will write about some of my killer parenting skills, like how I find a way to sing the Fresh Prince theme song as often as possible to my kids, there will be loads of non-parenting/mom discussions too.

Thanks for coming with me into the second half of my life, I can tell already you’re amazing. We should probably just be best friends. But also, I kind of have some besties trauma…… sooo, we’ll navigate our new found best friend-ness carefully. Deal?

You are loved, so very much!

Love, Haley